Most pollutants come from sources that are located inside buildings. Even if you shut your windows to outside air, you can still have respiratory issues because of the air quality in your home. Building materials, paint, and combustion byproducts can lead to higher levels of indoor pollution.

Fortunately, there are several different filtration methods you can use to clean indoor air. Air scrubbers are known for being able to remove harmful contaminants. They can be added to your existing systems and ductwork, so it doesn’t take long to install them.

Why Do You Need an Air Scrubber?

With an air scrubber, you can reduce the indoor air pollutants in your home. This is important because pollutants can cause eye irritation, headaches, dizziness, asthma issues, fatigue, nausea, sinus congestion, and throat irritation in the short term. In the long run, indoor air pollution has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and respiratory illnesses.

The air in your home can harbor many different kinds of contaminants. High humidity or leaks can increase the odds of mold and mildew. Meanwhile, natural gas from your stove, dryer, and heater can release harmful chemicals into the air.

Sometimes, indoor pollutants come from the materials that create your home. New homes are especially prone to this issue. Over time, the chemicals dissipate.

Even if your home doesn’t have these issues, you may still suffer from indoor air pollution because of wildfires, car exhaust, allergens, and other outdoor contaminants. By getting an air scrubber, you can remove these contaminants from the air. As a result, you can enjoy a more comfortable living space and better health.

What Is an Air Scrubber?

An air scrubber is a type of device that hooks up to your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. It connects to the ductwork so that it can filter all the air that passes through.

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may benefit from getting an air scrubber installed in your house:

  • Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?
  • Are you interested in reducing harmful contaminants on surfaces in your home?
  • Do you want lower levels of mold and dust in your home?
  • Are there musty smells or foul odors in your home?
  • Do you want to decrease pet dander without getting rid of your pets?
  • Do wildfire smoke and outdoor air pollution cause respiratory symptoms for members of your household?

How an Air Scrubber Works

A typical air scrubber works by drawing air from the surroundings into a set of filters. Each layer of filtration removes a few more contaminants from the air. By the time air reaches the final step in the series of filters, it is free of up to 99.9% of the pollutants.


During the first step in the filtration process, the air scrubber goes through a pre-filter. This filter focuses on the biggest particles. By removing the large particles first, the pre-filters improve the system’s efficiency.

Carbon Filters

Depending on the air scrubber, the air will likely flow through an optional carbon filter next. A carbon filter is useful for capturing vapor and gas molecules. This helps reduce odors in your home. The carbon filters are able to achieve this effect because gas molecules are attracted to the carbon molecules in the filter.

Primary Filter

Next, the air travels through the primary filter. This is the main filtration step, and it focuses on the smallest particles in the air. When you use a HEPA filter for the final filtration step, the air scrubber can remove up to 99.7% of particles that measure 0.3 microns in size or larger.

HEPA filters are known for being one of the most effective filter types. These filters can remove mold, bacteria, viruses, and dust from the air. Because of how effective they are, HEPA filters are often installed in hospitals.

All these steps are accomplished with the help of the blower. This scrubber part pulls air through the filters and pushes clean air out. You need a blower that is the right size for your system because an overly powerful blower can actually limit your scrubber’s efficiency.

Three Main Types of Air Scrubber

While all air scrubbers have fairly similar filtration methods, there are three main types of air scrubbers that you can buy. Wet scrubbers, dry scrubbers, and integrated scrubbers can be used in a variety of settings.

At Marr's Heating and Air Conditioning, we offer a variety of indoor air products. Our air scrubbers contain top-of-the-line blowers, HEPA filters, and pre-filters. If you need help deciding which air scrubber to buy, we can help.

Wet Scrubbers

Wet air scrubbers are often used in factories and manufacturing buildings. They use a mist that can bind to airborne particles and dust. In more advanced systems, you will see mist eliminators, ductwork, fans, and pumps.

Dry Scrubbers

Dry scrubbers are normally the type of scrubber you will see installed in a residential house. It pulls air through filters and pushes out the freshly cleaned air.

A good air scrubber will use multiple filters for a higher level of cleaning. The best ones incorporate HEPA filters, which can capture viral particles and bacteria. Because many of the features are similar to an air purifier, some people use the terms interchangeably.

Integrated Scrubbers

Integrated air scrubbers are not intended to be portable. These devices are installed in an existing HVAC system. The size of the scrubber depends on the building. You can see integrated scrubbers in gigantic commercial complexes and standard residential homes.

This kind of scrubber works with your HVAC system to clean the air. Typically, they are installed so that they can clean air when the air enters the building as well as when it goes through your ducts.

What to Look for in an Air Scrubber

Each building is different, so you should talk to a professional about the exact specifications you are looking for. As you search for an air scrubber, remember that you need an air scrubber that has the exact capacity your home needs. Air scrubbers need enough airflow to function, so they won’t run efficiently if they are too large for your home.

There are also other factors you may want to consider. For example, you may want to think about the device’s noise level. You should also see how easy it will be to incorporate the air scrubber into your existing ductwork.

Find Out More About the Best Air Scrubbers for Your Home

The air you breathe greatly impacts your overall health and well-being. By improving the air quality in your home, you can prevent respiratory illnesses and alleviate allergies. There are many types of air scrubbers, so it is important to find the right one for your home.

Marr's Heating and Air Conditioning is known for its indoor air quality services. In addition, we can help with air conditioner maintenance, heat pump services, and ductwork services.

To learn more about how we can help your family, reach out to Marr's Heating and Air Conditioning today.

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