If your air conditioner has broken down, then you’re probably wondering if you should have a professional repair your system or if you should buy a new unit. A competent HVAC technician will be able to examine your system and advise you on which decision is right for you. Multiple different factors will determine whether your AC unit just needs a quick fix or if you’re now in the market for a new cooling system.
What Are Some Common AC Problems?
Rattling, grinding, buzzing, and squealing noises are often signs that your air conditioner isn’t working properly. Your unit might also blow out warm air instead of cool air into your home’s interior. Your cooling system may smell of mold, burning, or mildew. The air conditioner could refuse to turn on or off. The thermostat might also fail to control the system. Another sign of air conditioning trouble is weak airflow. You might also experience uneven cooling in your house.
Repair: Your Air Conditioner Is Less Than a Decade Old
Air conditioners rarely have serious problems in their first decade of use, so they should generally be repaired if they’re less than 10 years old. If you’ve taken good care of your air conditioner and have had regular maintenance work done on it, then you might not need to replace it until it’s at least 15 years old.
Replace: Your Air Conditioner Is More than 15 Years Old
AC systems typically last 15 to 20 years, so you should definitely consider replacing your unit if it’s older than 15 years. Even if you can afford to repair an aging cooling system, you should consider that you’ll likely end up making many small and large repairs over the next few years as more parts wear out.
Repair: You’re Willing to Pay the Price of Fixing Your AC
Some air conditioning repairs are cheap enough that you’d rather pay for them than for a brand-new unit. If your fix ends up being more costly, then you should still have your unit repaired if the price of repair is less than 50% of the cost of replacement. You should also consider the age of your machine since paying a lot for repairs to an old unit isn’t economical.
Replace: The Cost of Repairs to Your AC Is Too High
If the price of replacement is too high, then you should buy a new air conditioner. One possible formula you can use to determine if you need to replace your cooling system is to multiply the estimated cost of repairs by the unit’s age. If the repair cost is more than what you’d pay for a new AC unit, you should opt for replacement.
Repair: Your Air Conditioner Rarely Breaks Down
Cooling systems that rarely break down generally still have a lot of life left in them and probably don’t need to be replaced. This is especially true of younger systems that hardly ever have any problems. If your air conditioner averages one or fewer repairs per year, then you can likely solve your unit’s issues with a repair.
Replace: Your Air Conditioner Requires Frequent Repairs
Air conditioners that break down more than once a year on average may be nearing the ends of their lives. If your trusted HVAC technician has become a frequent visitor to your home due to a constantly malfunctioning AC unit, then you should consider having your system replaced. Otherwise, you’ll keep paying more and more for repairs and will still have to replace your air conditioner eventually anyway.
Repair: You Haven’t Noticed an Increase in Your Energy Bill
An ever-increasing energy bill is one sign of potential air conditioner trouble, so the absence of higher electricity charges is a good sign for the well-being of your unit. If your AC unit has broken down but isn’t costing you more to operate than normal, then you can probably just have it fixed by a technician.
Replace: Your Energy Bill Has Experienced a Sudden Increase
On the other hand, if your energy bill has steadily increased over the past several months or years, then you might need to replace your air conditioner. Be sure that you’re not just experiencing a normal energy price increase before electing to replace your AC unit.
Repair: Your Air Conditioner’s Warranty Is Still Valid
If the warranty on your air conditioner is still valid, then it might cover the price of any necessary repairs. As long as your cooling machinery has broken down during the purchased warranty period, then it should be eligible for at least partial coverage of AC repairs.
Replace: Your Air Conditioner’s Warranty Has Expired
If your AC unit is old enough for its warranty to have expired, then it’s probably old enough to be replaced. Besides, if your warranty has expired, you’ll have to pay the whole price for potentially expensive repairs. One way to ensure that your warranty remains valid is to have a professional carry out regular maintenance on your air conditioner.
Repair: Your AC Unit’s Efficiency Level Is Still High
Air conditioners that still work at peak efficiency likely don’t need to be replaced when they break. If your AC unit has broken down but has generally performed in a satisfactory manner, then you probably don’t require an air conditioning replacement.
Replace: Your AC Has Grown Inefficient
Inefficiency is a symptom of air conditioner decline, so you might want to buy a replacement unit if your equipment hasn’t been running efficiently or has recently stopped working. Air conditioning technology has improved over the last several years, so whatever new AC unit you buy will likely be more energy-efficient than your current system.
Repair: Your HVAC Technician Advises You to Repair Your AC Unit
Finding a trustworthy technician is an important part of the AC repair process. You need to be able to trust your HVAC technician to tell you honestly whether you need repairs or not. You should also trust your technician to be honest about cost, time frame, and other important factors. If your technician tells you that your system is in need of repairs, then you should follow this advice.
Replace: Your HVAC Technician Advises You to Replace Your Air Conditioner
Likewise, you should trust your honest technician if air conditioner replacement is the recommended course of action. Failure to follow a reliable technician’s advice could result in higher costs, further irritations, and even safety complications. If you find yourself doubting your technician’s advice, then you need to find a competent technician you can trust to give you solid recommendations.
High-Quality Air Conditioner Repairs and Replacements in Bellingham, WA
At Marr's Heating and Air Conditioning, you can trust us to carry out your air conditioner repairs and replacements. Our family-owned business has been serving the people of Bellingham and the surrounding areas since 1965, so you can rely on us to take care of your heating and cooling needs. We’re up to the task of repairing, maintaining, and installing your AC system. We’re also capable of handling your furnace and heat pump installation, repair, maintenance, and inspection. Products that we sell include ductless heat pumps, gas furnaces and stoves, and air conditioning systems. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.