If you live in the Bellingham, WA, area, then you know all too well the challenges that can come from poor air quality. From seasonal allergies to pollution, many people head indoors to find temporary relief. Unfortunately, indoor air is often contaminated with various particulates as well. This includes an abundance of pollen, pet dander, dust, and mold spores. When exposed to poor indoor air quality on a regular basis, you might notice an increase in allergy symptoms, asthma attacks, and respiratory illnesses. Luckily, different air filtration solutions are available.

Whole-House Air Filtration

A whole-house air filtration system can be installed as part of your HVAC system. All the air that passes through your system during the heating and cooling process will pass through filtration that removes particulates that are often as small as 0.3 microns in size. Different types of units exist, and we will need to determine your home’s square footage and air quality to make the most appropriate recommendations for your comfort.

HEPA Filtration

A high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) is a pleated filter design that can trap as much as 99.97% of particles in the air circulating through your home. HEPA technology is very common for allergy sufferers and can address common air quality concerns in the Bellingham area. HEPA filters should be replaced every 30 to 90 days or more frequently if you have pets or smokers living in the home or use your filtration system frequently. Most filtration units pair HEPA filters with other forms of filtration to enhance results even further.

Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon is exceptionally good at removing odors from the air inside your home. It’s also beneficial for removing volatile organic compounds, chemicals that off-gas from things like cleaning products, air fresheners, new carpets, paint, and building materials.

Electrostatic Filtration

Static electricity is the basis of an electrostatic filtration device. The particulates that pass through the system are charged, and they become attracted to collection plates that store the contaminants until they are cleaned off. This type of filtration doesn’t use replaceable filters, which can be a benefit if you’re looking to save money on the upkeep of your air quality solution. Electrostatic filtration is efficient, often removing as much as 99% of the particles in your indoor air.

UV-C Light Technology

UV-C light is often added to a filtration system. As air passes through the light, bacteria, pathogens, and viruses will be destroyed. This equates to much healthier indoor air throughout the year in your Bellingham home. UV-C light sanitation is highly effective. Commonly used in sterile environments like hospitals, UV-C light sanitation is also beneficial for anyone with ongoing respiratory issues or illnesses.

Traditional Filters

Your HVAC system has a filter that should be replaced every 30 to 90 days. While just a basic filter that removes a certain number of particulates, it’s still a critical part of your air quality setup. Different styles of filters exist, and most filters feature a MERV rating to advertise how effective they are. Minimum efficiency reporting value or MERV ranges from 1 to 20. Most homes have an HVAC setup that can handle a MERV-rated filter of 8 to 12. This is a range that includes the removal of things like pollen, dust, and smoke. You don’t want to choose a MERV-rated filter that is high to remove more particulates. If your HVAC system can’t handle the restricted airflow, this can cause a lot of damage to your equipment. It’s best to speak with an HVAC professional to determine the best filter for your indoor air quality needs and your HVAC system.

The Benefits of Routine HVAC Maintenance

Periodically scheduling routine maintenance for your HVAC system is an important part of ensuring optimal indoor air quality. During this appointment, an experienced professional will ensure that all the interior components of your system are clean and working efficiently. This equates to optimal airflow that promotes healthy indoor air. This is also a good time to consider having an indoor air quality assessment performed. This testing process will determine what kind of contaminants are in your indoor air, allowing for recommendations that will lead to improved indoor air quality.

Proper Ventilation

In addition to air filtration, you must have adequate ventilation in your home. This refers to the exchange of air inside your home with the air outside. Even if the air quality isn’t ideal outside in Bellingham, your home contains contaminants that could be potentially problematic if not removed.

The exhaust fans that are in your bathrooms and kitchen are examples of equipment that promotes ventilation. These fans will exhaust air from inside your home to the outside, allowing for fresher air to replace it. Run these fans when you’re bathing or cooking, but you can also run them for 15 minutes at a time at different points of the day. If possible, open a few windows or doors to encourage air exchange. The best time of day to do this is very early in the morning or late at night. This is when pollen levels are at their lowest as well as pollution levels.

There are ways that you can further improve ventilation in your home. To increase your indoor air quality, consider installing ceiling fans in certain rooms. This helps circulate your indoor air, promotes a more comfortable indoor temperature, and can save you money on your monthly utility bills. The EPA advises that homes receive an air exchange rate of 0.35 air changes per hour for healthy indoor air quality. If exhaust fans aren’t enough, different types of mechanical ventilation equipment can be installed by a professional in areas like your attic, including supply-only systems and heat recovery ventilation. An HVAC professional can help you determine the current state of ventilation in your home, making a recommendation for how to further improve it.

Removing Sources of Indoor Pollution

While you can improve indoor air quality, you must first identify the common culprits in your home. For many, this includes chemicals from the cleaning products you’re using. You can make a greener selection that utilizes natural ingredients to cut back on your VOC exposure. If you are planning a near-future home remodeling project, for example, choose green building materials that have a low VOC content. You can also vacuum and dust regularly to cut back on pet dander, dust, and dust mites.

If you would like to learn more about the current state of your indoor air or discuss various air filtration options, reach out to our experts at Marr's Heating and Air Conditioning. Our team can conduct an indoor air quality assessment, install a whole-house filtration unit, and provide routine AC maintenance to boost indoor air quality. We also install and repair heating and cooling equipment, service heat pumps and ductwork, and work on gas fireplaces. Reach out to us at Marr's Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment.

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